Friday, January 28, 2011

One of Those Days

Its been "one of those days".  Don't you just hate seeing a sick baby?   Little B is sick and needed mommy to hold her all day long, that wasn't the bad part.  That actually was the best part!  Little B has really never been a snuggler, so any time she wants a little mommy time is a great time for me!

By noon she really was not well, and of course I got worried.  I called the Dr. office to see if I could bring her in.  They were closed for lunch til 2:00.  UGH!  Right at 2:00 I called back.  They said I got the last appointment.  It was at the Power Ranch location at 4:30.  Double UGH... Do I pack a lunch and head out now?  Do I wait and fight rush hour traffic?  Well, the GPS said it was only 17.4 miles away, but I knew better.  I used to drive to that same corner ever day for work when I worked at Andreasen Chiropractic (if you actually clicked on the link, YUP, I'm famous!  That is me sitting at the front desk in the commercial)  I knew this was going to be a long night.  We left at 4 and I was 15 min late for my apt.  It didn't matter though.  I waited for an hour in the waiting room, and that was before they called me back to the room where we got to wait some more. Its all good though.  Little B was tested for Strep and RSV, good news both were negative! The doc just said its a cold a bad cold, just keep an eye on her.

Anyway, thankfully I put dinner in the crock-pot earlier so at least dinner would be waiting for me.

I am quite certain I am the only one who does this, but in between cuddles and hugs I changed out the laundry and the stuff from the dryer is now on my sofa... and not even layed out nicely so it won't wrinkle.  Yes, there are 4 loads of laundry all piled up there, just waiting for the new magical attachment to your washing machine (i am inventing while I type this) that not only folds your laundry it puts it away too!  Actually I was informed today by a good friend that I must be an amateur if there were only four loads on the sofa.

How soon can I start teaching Little B to fold clothes?  Actually, I'm thinking if she could learn to fold laundry and take the dishes out of the dishwasher my life would be pretty easy.

Here's a little something to remind you that I like keepin' it real!
Yup, its 11:30 at night and its still right there where I left it.  Sorry its so blurry, but it was dark

1 comment:

  1. Atleast yours is in a nice pile... mine is spread across the long part of our sectional because my kids like to play "avalanche!"

    I'm sorry B is sick & I hope she starts feeling better soon. It sounds like you might go to the same pediatrician as me (could be wrong), but I sometimes will go to their afterhours care (you still have to wait a while, but you don't have to make the drive to the other office which makes it better in my opinion).
