I don't like this one little bit! But I have to face it.
Little B started climbing out of her crib last month but she wasn't climbing over the rails. You see her crib had a changing table connected to one end of it and don't ask me how, but she was somehow scaling the solid wood foot board and getting out onto the changing table and sitting up there. Twice I went to check on her and she was standing up. I freeked and down came the crib and up went the toddler bed.
The first week was HARD! But as the the weeks have come and gone she is really getting the hang of this big girl bed thing we got going on.
She likes to sit on her bed and read her stories and snuggle with her mankie and bunny.
Naptime however..... UGH I think naptime as I once knew it is over. She just won't settle down enough to rest and relax long enough to fall asleep. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Lana is 2 and she knows that if she naps I will let her keep her pillow pet in her bed with her, but if she is running around in her room... all the toys go out including the pillow pet. Maybe I'm mean, but she knows I mean business and she likes to have light music playing while she lays down for naps and bedtime as that's been the way we do it around here for a while. Not sure if it helps you... but that's what's worked for us ;) Good luck!!!