Friday, January 7, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I have never been one to make resolutions and uh actually keep them. But I did it, I finally made one and kept it, well... sort of.  You see about 3 years ago there was nothing I wanted more than to have a baby.  We had been married for just about 2 years and I just couldn't get pregnant.  It was a very hard time for me.  But that story is for another post.

I made a resolution to say ix-nay to ALL fast food.  Now, there are a lot of ways to say what fast food is.  But for me, I decided that to me fast food  = any place that has a drive up window.  So, I could still have those quick lunches at Subway, Chipotle, Panda Express.... Now, before I get all kinds of emails yes, I know some of those places have a drive up window.  I just had to physically walk into them.  This was my resolution and I can make the rules right?  So, I said good bye to McDonald's, BK, Wendy's, Taco Bell or KFC.... You get the picture right?  You know what?  Before long I didn't even crave the other places I enjoyed eating - well for the exception of my once a week Subway turkey on honey wheat with lots of spinach, YUM!  I went nearly the whole year.... That is until I.... wait for it..... took a positive pregnancy test in September of that year. WOO HOO!!!  Life was great!  I was going to have a baby!  But I was sick, boy was I sick!  Nothing would stay down.... NOTHING! For nine months I sipped water, and if anything sounded good at all to eat I would try it..... That's when it happened.  I took my first bite of fast food, The only thing I could even think of that might even taste good was an Arbys roast beef sandwich.  So, in order to feed my baby any kind of nutrition I caved!  The Hubs went out and got me my wish.  Well, it sure tasted good going down.  But that's where it ended.  It came right back up! YUCK! 

So after Little B was born I of course ate anything and everything.  I wasn't sick when I ate, it felt great!  I felt great!  But my whole no fast food resolution ended as a flop.  A great big huge flop!  So, I'm gonna do it again this year.  I'm doing it.  NO FAST FOOD in 2011.   Try and stop me you Arbys roast beef, Wendy's single with everything, Taco Bell #4, Sonic Route 44 Cherry Limeade..... Whoa whoa whoa stop the train.... This is where I get off.  I have allotted one Route 44 Cherry Limeade per month for the next consecutive 12 months ahead of me.  Hey, at least its only one a month and not everyday between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00..... I will however NOT be partaking in the sharing of a large order of Tots with Princess while I slurp down the fruit nectar of the Gods that is my Cherry Limeade.  Now, I wonder when I will get my first one this year.  I can't believe it's already the 7th of January and I haven't partaken yet.  Good for me!

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