Its hard to believe but hubby and I have been married for 4 1/2 years. This cutie patootie dress little B is wearing is the same exact dress that our youngest niece wore to our wedding reception. After we learned that Little B was a girl here they came. We got all of the dresses that our nieces wore at our reception. I think we have around 5 of them. Yahoo! People are going to think we are so poor we can't afford a new dress for her. Anyway, this is what she wore to church yesterday. I just had to post it! Oh, btw... The cute shoes I got on Walmart clearance last year for $3.00. I just love a good deal don't you? It's also hard to believe that we now have a daughter old enough to wear that dress, and its even harder to believe that Bretts cute 7 year old niece once wore it!
Now for the Great News! We are moving!!!! We found a great 3 bedroom, formal living room, family room, large back yard with a garden house less than a mile away from our very small two bedroom no yard condo. YIPPEEEEE!!!! So, right now we are in the midst of packing up 4 1/2 years of stuff and sorting and tossing and trying my hand at reselling. We officially move on July 15th.
I will add a picture from our wedding just as soon as I come accross the disk. I just packed it over the weekend. Wish me luck with all of the packing!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Happy Birthday Little B
May 13th my baby turned two. I can't believe how fast the time is flying right by us. Honestly it seems like it was just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital. I love you little B more than you will ever know.
We went to Peter Piper Pizza and Little B rode every ride and played every game at least 10 times each, er, uh, well maybe daddy did but you watched and had fun. We had a fun time, but I think your favorite part was the great big tube slide!
We got her gift last year on Black Friday. I am cheap!!! Bought it and stored it in our garage for her birthday to come. She absolutley loves it!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Follow The Prophet
R:(age 3) "Why you don't have a living room"?
ME: Because our house isn't big enough for one.
R: "Did President Monson not give you one"? "He said everybody needs one".
Me: "I guess I'd better get one real soon"
FYI President Monson is the President of our Church. Out of the mouths of babes..... lol
ME: Because our house isn't big enough for one.
R: "Did President Monson not give you one"? "He said everybody needs one".
Me: "I guess I'd better get one real soon"
FYI President Monson is the President of our Church. Out of the mouths of babes..... lol
Three Boys and a Girl
As I sit here typing, I can hear Toy Toy Twee (Toy Story 3) in the background, the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star high pitched tune coming from Little Bs riding car from last years birthday, One Little B asking wait no... Pleading for more Ceeeereeee (cereal) and meeeeok (milk). I just got that for her. I have had a brew of boys here for a couple of days and have loved it all. Boys really are a breed all their own. As well as girls. M has been scouring my house for two days trying to find a garbage truck. I told him that Little B only had girl toys and he probably wasn't going to find one, but feel free to keep looking. Well it is with great delight to let you know that he found one..... Er Uh Well..... At least when he came to me late yesterday afternoon asking if the Sonic kids meal plastic truck was in fact a garbage truck... My response, "Why, yes it sure is" hoping this would be the end of the garbage truck seek and find we have been playing. It worked, except he wanted, no wait needed to know if it was a front, back or side loader. I told him it was a back loader, but he quickly informed me that it was missing some special part to make it a back loader then told me that it was a front loader. I was okay with that.
Now, R on the other hand. What a sweet heart! He is a pleaser. He has been driving Little Bs car for three days and with that comes the LOUD high pitched music. I ask him to please stop pushing the buttons, and he does for a while, until he can't stand it any longer and has to give in to his need of playing the music. Oh, wait, now little B is riding and pushing the buttons.... Now I hear them playing garbage truck. They have tipped Little Bs rocking chair on its side and have dubbed it a front loader to empty trash into the truck which I believe is the coffee table.....
They have one more brother who is at school right now, and he is a sweety pie too. K has been an absolute joy to be around. And very helpful with the other two. Thank you so much for this opportunity Amberlee, I think having a couple boys around would certainly spice life up around here.
Thank goodness MOST babies only come one at a time.
But today, I am tired. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't not do it. I stayed up all night long watching the Royal Wedding. I was all alone as the hubs and Little B were sound asleep. I thought Kate was absolutely stunning!!! At 5:00 am I couldn't stand it any longer and finally succumbed to sleep, knowing that i was going to have a full day ahead of me.
So now I am signing off and going to find some lunch for this gang and have a nice rest time probably in front of Tangled which we have now watched everyday since Easter, and I am going to somehow HIDE the blasted car!
Oh, by the way now the boys have somehow attached the rocker to the car and are now playing snow plow. Don't ask me how a couple of kids from Arizona know what a snow plow is but they certainly have it down.
Now, R on the other hand. What a sweet heart! He is a pleaser. He has been driving Little Bs car for three days and with that comes the LOUD high pitched music. I ask him to please stop pushing the buttons, and he does for a while, until he can't stand it any longer and has to give in to his need of playing the music. Oh, wait, now little B is riding and pushing the buttons.... Now I hear them playing garbage truck. They have tipped Little Bs rocking chair on its side and have dubbed it a front loader to empty trash into the truck which I believe is the coffee table.....
They have one more brother who is at school right now, and he is a sweety pie too. K has been an absolute joy to be around. And very helpful with the other two. Thank you so much for this opportunity Amberlee, I think having a couple boys around would certainly spice life up around here.
Thank goodness MOST babies only come one at a time.
But today, I am tired. I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't not do it. I stayed up all night long watching the Royal Wedding. I was all alone as the hubs and Little B were sound asleep. I thought Kate was absolutely stunning!!! At 5:00 am I couldn't stand it any longer and finally succumbed to sleep, knowing that i was going to have a full day ahead of me.
So now I am signing off and going to find some lunch for this gang and have a nice rest time probably in front of Tangled which we have now watched everyday since Easter, and I am going to somehow HIDE the blasted car!
Oh, by the way now the boys have somehow attached the rocker to the car and are now playing snow plow. Don't ask me how a couple of kids from Arizona know what a snow plow is but they certainly have it down.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
She's Growing Up
I don't like this one little bit! But I have to face it.
Little B started climbing out of her crib last month but she wasn't climbing over the rails. You see her crib had a changing table connected to one end of it and don't ask me how, but she was somehow scaling the solid wood foot board and getting out onto the changing table and sitting up there. Twice I went to check on her and she was standing up. I freeked and down came the crib and up went the toddler bed.
The first week was HARD! But as the the weeks have come and gone she is really getting the hang of this big girl bed thing we got going on.
She likes to sit on her bed and read her stories and snuggle with her mankie and bunny.
Naptime however..... UGH I think naptime as I once knew it is over. She just won't settle down enough to rest and relax long enough to fall asleep. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Let it be known and heard through out the land, that on this day April 25th, 2011 Little B has enough hair for TWO {Count 'em TWO} piggie tails!! YAHOOOOOOOOO!
Happy Easter
We had a great day yesterday! It all started with Little B coming in my room and waking me up telling me what the Easter Bunny brought her. She was holding it tightly clenched in her little fist trying so hard to wake me up. All I could here was "I watch Tangled, I watch Tangled" It really was the cutest thing! Little did she know that it was going to be a R U EEEEEEEELY long day! Tangled was going to have to wait.
We got up and quickly got ready for church in our new Easter Best, and then out to the front yard for some pics. Too bad Little B wasn't going to look at the camera.
Dress: Costco $17.00
Hat: Target Dollar Spot $1.00
Pearls: Target Dollar Spot $1.00
Immediatley after church it was off to Buggas (Grandma B) house so she could see her in her pitty dess!
After that we met up with the rest of the clan at the hubs brothers house.
FOOOOOOD..... you name it it was there. YUMMY! I made this yumy 12 layer jello. It was a huge hit!
Egg hunt, and I think for the first time in Little Bs short little life she was really getting the concept of it all.
She noticed there was candy in the first egg she found so she was off to get all she could! She had fun, and it was more fun watching her.
Hope your weekend was amazing!
Oh, and just so you know.... She fell asleep watching Tangled!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Can't Wait To Try Wire Baskets
So what you are telling me this stuff can be used for more than just keeping the dog inside the fence? This is the same stuff hubby wired to the fence to keep Mr Sammy from escaping. L-O-V-E this idea! I just had to share it with you. OH THE POSSIBILITIES! Go to Thats My Letter to see her full tutorial!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Freebies on your Birthday
It doesn't matter if you have a birthday coming up next month or in 12 months you have to check out The Centsable Shoppin blog for a complete list of birthday Freebies. Here are a few of my favorites.
Applebees: free dessert
Baskin Robbins: free 2.5-ounce scoop on your birthday; good for one week before and one week after birthday. Sign up here.
Children’s Place: Sign your child up for the Children’s Place Birthday Club and you and your child will both receive a surprise on your birthdays. You may submit up to five children per household.
Famous Dave’s BBQ: As an adult “pretty important guest,” you get one of five free items, ranging from an appetizer to the massive All American Barbecue Feast. Children 12 and under get a free kids meal. Good for one week before and one week after birthday. Register here.
Golden Corral: free meal to birthday Club members (not just kids!) during month of birthday
Red Robin: free burger of your choice; some restaurants also include a free small sundae. Good for one week before and one week after birthday. Click here to register.
Target: Sign your children up for the Birthday Mailer (up to six per household), and you’ll receive a $5 off $50 coupon in the mail along with party planning tips.
Have fun getting all the freebies you deserve them!
Applebees: free dessert
Baskin Robbins: free 2.5-ounce scoop on your birthday; good for one week before and one week after birthday. Sign up here.
Children’s Place: Sign your child up for the Children’s Place Birthday Club and you and your child will both receive a surprise on your birthdays. You may submit up to five children per household.
Famous Dave’s BBQ: As an adult “pretty important guest,” you get one of five free items, ranging from an appetizer to the massive All American Barbecue Feast. Children 12 and under get a free kids meal. Good for one week before and one week after birthday. Register here.
Golden Corral: free meal to birthday Club members (not just kids!) during month of birthday
Red Robin: free burger of your choice; some restaurants also include a free small sundae. Good for one week before and one week after birthday. Click here to register.
Target: Sign your children up for the Birthday Mailer (up to six per household), and you’ll receive a $5 off $50 coupon in the mail along with party planning tips.
Have fun getting all the freebies you deserve them!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Parade of Homes Blog Style
This is so cool. You gotta check out Poppies at Play and see what she has done. If you enjoy the Parade of Homes and seeing what neat and creative things people come with to decorate their homes you gotta head over here to go on a blog land parade. You can thank me later!

Friday, April 1, 2011
Isn't this COOL?
OH. MY. GOSH!!! I absolutley love what Michael did here! So unique and creative!!!! I don't think I would have ever thought of this. Hanging curtains with forged nails?!?!?!?

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Can't Wait to Try
Check out what Alish from Sisters Stuff made for practically FREE!!! We have been working on our colors with Little B recently and I am thinking she would absolutley love having one of these for herself!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Can't wait to try this
Check out these primative apathocary jars. For the full tutorial go here. She just made them again for spring. Soooo adorable!
Disneys Tangled $5.00 off
I absolutley loved this movie! And every time the preview of it shows Little B stops in her tracks and watches and laughs. You can bet your sweet cheeks that I will be getting in on this deal. Also, to make it sweeter look for the spring Target ad in your mail or newspaper. There is an addition $5.00 off coupon for any Disney Bluray. And because that is a Target coupon and this is a manufacture coupon you can stack them and get $10.00 off SAWEET! Click here for the coupon.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My Pantry Fix
Whats behind door #1
Yowza! Quick close the door, and run away!
After emptying the shelves, and tossing out a ton more food than I care to mention due to expireation dates. I organized, took inventory and put away the rest. There is nothing like a full pantry! Of course this pantry is full because I spent my tax return on filling it up!
I don't think I will need to go to the market for quite sometime now. Only for milk, eggs and produce.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
I Did it, And I Love it!
Remember a few weeks ago I posted that I wanted to try this. I said I was going to do it that same day after Little B woke up. Well, I really did it. I cleaned out and packed up all the clothes too small, stained, ripped and torn and other stuff she simply wasn't going to wear again and rolled up the rest. We have lived like this for a few weeks now, and I am absolutely loving this new set up! I can clearly see each of her shirts and pants in the drawers and can easily choose a different outfit, rather than sticking with the same ones on top, washing and repeating. So yahoo to me! I would encourage you trying this in your toddlers dressers!
These are actually Little Bs drawers, picture taken today and I didn't even spruce them up.
I'm so impressed aren't you?
Cant Wait To Try,
Free with what I had,
Girls Room,
Monday, February 28, 2011
I love this Girl!
I love this girl even when she makes a mess, which is daily, several times a day!
The hubs and I had a dental appointment and we took Little B for her first check up. She kept a tight clench on her jaw, and was not going to let anybody see her teeth! We will try again in another year.
My parents came for a visit, and we had snacks one night. The next morning Little B found the snacks we left out and helped herself. It was so cute I had to take a picture. I like that she is lickin the creamy middle! She said "Hi Mom, Snacks"!
Another mess! This time in my craft closet! UGH!!!
This girl LOVES her a swing and a slide!
She's a mover and a shaker!
One of her and my favorite times of day. Rest time on Daddy's night night.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Now, Look What I've Done
I got this for Christmas
and this for my birthday
and together we've made these. I have had so much fun
creating and playing!
Spiced up my Kitchen Aid
$2.00 plate from my favorite place to visit EVERY time I'm in Utah
Turned into decorative wall art
Food Storage Labels
A cute place to store my powder laundry soap and stain release. Still trying to decide what to put on the soap canister. Any suggestions?
Another dish from this place. You have to check it out if you are ever in Utah. I think this plate was $3 or $4
And lastly, Little Bs chairs needed a little pazazz! I love the end results!
Before and After,
Free with what I had,
Laundry Room,
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